Toxic Technology
We as a people are being saturated with artificial man made electromagnetic radiation fields (EMF/EMR) at levels the human race have never before been exposed to. This artificial radiation is pulsing and different than the natural static type. Twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in medicine, Robert O. Becker MD (1931-2008) stated: "I have no doubt in my mind that, at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields.......". In spite of over 200 international scientist, who are experts in the study of EMR, making an appeal to the UN to stop the proliferation of wireless devices, smart meters and 5G is being rolled out globally (EMF scientists active link on bottom of page).
The wireless industry continues to rake in trillions and saturate society with even more "electro-pollution” claiming no danger from wireless devices. Their puppet, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) set the highest amount of EMR exposure allowed in the world ("FCC-Captured Agency" active link on bottom of page). Consider that we have an epidemic of autism and no one can say why, while the curve on a graph of the rise in autism matches exactly the curve on a graph of the proliferation of wireless devices. Today 1 in 25 boys and 1 in 47 girls are on the autistic spectrum. Before cell towers were erected in the early 1980's the rate was 1 in 10,000 children were o the spectrum. At the current rate by 2030, every other child could be autistic.
Meanwhile our children are being saturated with industrial strength WiFi systems in schools, emitting EMR exposures dozens of times more powerful than home WiFi systems, 6 hours a day, their entire school years. Consider these 53 peer-reviewed studies on the harm of school WiFi (active link on bottom of page). In addition, every child has their own cell and phone irradiating them even more.
Dr. George Carlos, renowned epidemiologist and a lawyer also, headed the first major research team of 200 scientists and doctors investigating the EMR from cell phones. The Carlos research team was appropriated 23 million dollars for the program in the early 90's. When the results came in, every study demonstrated micronuclei-DNA damage in the person exposed, the same biological damage found in all the Chernobyl victims. The wireless industry didi not renew the Carlos teams funding, smeared the whole teams reputation in the media, threatened his family, his house burned down and was ruled an arson. He wrote a book to tell the story: “Cell Phones: Invisible hazards In The Wireless Age: An Insiders Alarming Discoveries About Cancer and Genetic Damage.” Human biology is being damaged on a magnitude never seen before.
30,000+ peer-reviewed studies (Active link on bottom of page and 220 International EMF/EMR scientists appealing to the UN to stop the proliferation of wireless devices all prove Dr. Becker was right and extinction may be in sight if we don’t stop this continued and unabated expansion of this toxic technology.
Steve Romine -